Hotel Peten i Flores

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GuatemalaHotel Peten


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20, Calle Union, Flores, Flores, GT Guatemala
kontakter telefon: +502 7867 5203
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Latitude: 16.9292989, Longitude: -89.892996

kommentar 5

  • Heriberto Navarrete

    Heriberto Navarrete


    A beautiful place, overlooking Lake Peten Itzá, wonderful rooms, comfortable, delicious food and an excellent treatment by the staff from arrival to departure.

  • Richard Massie

    Richard Massie


    Wonderful staff Room with balcony overlooking pretty lake Great excluded breakfast

  • Daniel Johnson

    Daniel Johnson


    Nice pool. Cheap alcohol and comfortable beds

  • Harold Cartier

    Harold Cartier


    Great location. Wifi sucks though. A little overpriced.

  • saul rodriguez

    saul rodriguez


    Life saver!!! I had a terrible experience at a hostal I the area (starts with the letter G) and this place saved the trip. They noticed we were dying from the heat and the receptionist offered to turn on the Air conditioner during the day. Everything was clean and they have pools to cool down, in case the lake isn't your thing. I was in the lobby and forgot my face mask and the receptionist offered one on the house! They have breakfast included where they treat you so polite! We stayed on the hostal side but the lake is across the street so 🤷. The actual rooms have a lake view.

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