Porta Hotel Antigua i Antigua Guatemala

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GuatemalaPorta Hotel Antigua



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8a Poniente 1, Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala
kontakter telefon: +502 7931 0600
internet side: www.portahotelantigua.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 14.5531311, Longitude: -90.7337022

kommentar 5

  • Francesca Marchese

    Francesca Marchese


    If you are staying in Antigua, the Hotel Antigua is a staple. Staff are really nice and welcoming, and the facilities are beautiful, with great view to the Volcán de Agua and the ruins of San José. If you're planning to go just to eat, try their Antojitos Típicos for an early dinner: a buffet of all local delicacies and desserts.

  • Mario Uribe

    Mario Uribe


    A very fine hotel with all the amenities needed, spa, food, pool and an excellent view. The service is top of the line. I would definitely stay here again.

  • Alex Barillas

    Alex Barillas


    We went to take a breedfast and it was good

  • Mario Lacayo

    Mario Lacayo


    The ribs for Father's day were awesome

  • Charles Elliott

    Charles Elliott


    Good hotel, good service, nice helpful staff!

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