Linea dorada Bus Station i Guatemala City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GuatemalaLinea dorada Bus Station


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Zona 1, Guatemala City, Guatemala
kontakter telefon: +502
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Latitude: 14.6319015, Longitude: -90.5104993

kommentar 5

  • Jose Angel del Valle

    Jose Angel del Valle


    Buen servicio de transporte hacia el interior tanto al norte como al occidente.

  • Qas N

    Qas N


    The station is small in a sketchy area. I took the night bus to Flores. In the way back from Flores, the bus goes to a different station

  • InvisUser Tsal

    InvisUser Tsal


    I bought a ticket in flores bus leaving 8pm. Ticket said Flores to Guatemala city. Trip was faster then day time but maybe more risky of beeing robbed, right place wrong time. Robberies happen. But not this time. As we approach Guatemala city bus pulls in some big bus station 90% of ppl leave the bus. I'm looking on map we still another 30km from Guatamela city. I say to bus driver "Guatemala city centro?" He answers in Spanish no bamanos, go out! With anger. Half broken English. I ask him Guatemala city centro where he points to like 3 other different bus standing near by, I have no idea which bus I ask around and got on a mini bus filled with people from bus and others. Paid Q10 luckily Sat on a dirty step and bus drove another 40 minutes to bus terminal of the company. 2nd trip with this company and very sad experience. They just drop you where ever no information given. They really need to change their ways on how to treat people. This kind of miss management of the company keeps tourist away from visiting your country. Bottom line don't use this company. I said ahh how bad can it be it's good price. That's the last time I'll make a mistake like that, pay a bit more and have a pleasant trip.

  • Ricardo Garcia

    Ricardo Garcia


    Los precios son muy altos, las instalaciones se mantienen limpias y seguras.

  • Cynthia Guerrero

    Cynthia Guerrero


    Muy bueno el servicio, todos muy amables

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