Cargo Expreso i San Sebastian

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GuatemalaCargo Expreso


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5a. Avenida A, San Sebastian, San Sebastián, GT Guatemala
kontakter telefon: +502 7772 2181
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Latitude: 14.5635119, Longitude: -91.6528684

kommentar 5

  • Hector Izaguirre

    Hector Izaguirre


    On May 30 they had to deliver a package to me in Canton Vela San Felipe, the service was paid to them then the driver who is first and last name Lucas called me to tell me that he was not going to that place because it was far away, but this man he forgets that the company he works for had already charged for the service. Then the secretary calls me and tells me to give them another address so I can take my package. I ask him why they were not going to take him home, he tells me that because it is a red zone. By God it is the healthiest place in Reu. In order not to make it tired I told them to take it to another place but to call me when they were there. They never did it. Then I had to apologize to the neighbor who received the package because this guy Lucas could not even have the dignity of calling me and habisarme that they had left my package elsewhere. If I could give it 0 stars I would unfortunately have to give 1. Pesimo service of this agency San Sebastian.

  • Airguns Gt

    Airguns Gt


    I've been calling for several days and no one answers the phone

  • Emilio Hernández

    Emilio Hernández


    Fast and safe shipments.

  • Elida Mayuli Perez Escalante

    Elida Mayuli Perez Escalante


    Bad experience of the service I want to tell you that on Friday, July 15, two thousand sixteen send a document through the agency of charge of San Sebastian Retalhuleu Express there they told me that one day it took for delivery to Guatemala, and today Thursday they have not delivered although I have been calling since Monday, and I have not solved the problem that unfortunately the service is provided so

  • Fernando Lopez Garcia

    Fernando Lopez Garcia


    For my position I express the best, it is fast, reliable, and I suggest with the packages and worked a lot with them or I did not look bad

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