Despensa Familiar i Panajachel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GuatemalaDespensa Familiar



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Calle Real, frente Santa Catarina Palopó, Panajachel, Guatemala
kontakter telefon: +502 7762 6179
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Latitude: 14.7449014, Longitude: -91.153256

kommentar 5

  • Hendrik 0

    Hendrik 0


    Cheap and easy to access

  • Steven Scott Mitchell

    Steven Scott Mitchell


    Great variety of inexpensive grocery items.

  • Jeri Allen-French

    Jeri Allen-French


    Right now I am only giving Despensa Familiar 2 stars where ordinarily I would give far moret as the staff is friendly and very helpful and the prices are affordable. However, when I shopped there yesterday I was very disappointed and frightened because while they did take my temperature and had me use hand sanitizer, there was NO SOCIAL DISTANCING MEASURES TAKEN except at the checkout lanes that have clear plastic barriers between the check out clerk and the customer. But those few things are NOT SUFFICIENT while shopping. Because most of the store was being stocked and stacks of boxes blocked most areas, there was absolutely no social distancing during my entire shopping experience throughout the Despensa and as a retired nurse I understand the actual dangers of this very sturdy and tenacious virua. I even bought an extra can of spray alcohol just to spray myself down completely immediately after exiting the store because of the fact that people were inches from me instead of feet. I am very disappointed because they also did not control the amount of people who entered the store, especially while stocking the shelves, so that persons, like myself and many others with a weakened immune system like senior citizens, could shop safely and without people breathing down their neck which is exactly what happened to me. I have shopped here for many years, but with their lack of proper social distancing precauations, Despensa Familiar will continue to not be a safe place to shop until they control and count the amount of people entering the store at the same time. Yes, customers may need to wait in line outside the store for a few minutes before entering while staff stocks the shelves BUT the inconvenience to the customers FAR OUT WEIGHS THE COST OF HUMAN LIFE should one of their customers contract COVID. The supervisors and people in charge NEED to get FAR MORE ORGANIZED and careful about the logistics involved in preventing a COVID outbreak at Despensa Familiar and to not only protect us loyal customers but their support staff as well. While there yesterday I realized that not only are their customers at risk of being infected, but those brave persons who stock the shelves and assist people face to face, who are inches away from customers rather than 6 feet away with no protective barriers except their masks and continue to risk their health and lives so as to offer quality customer service regardless of how VERY CROWDED the store is. This practice of Despensa Familiar also puts their families at home at risk of contracting COVID. I even took a further step and sprayed all the items I purchased from Dispensa Familiar with alcohol when I got home before putting items away in my cupboards so as to make sure my purchases did not infect other items in my cupboards to keep them COVID free out of GREAT CAUATION FROM DESPENSA'S RISKY COVID/BUSINESS PRACTICES THAT MUST BE EVALUATED AND IMPROVED IMMEDIATELY. I pray that those in charge and in positions of power read this and make social distancing a priority before they have to close their doors because of a Despensa Familiar pandemic and people die. I pray it is soon because I enjoy shopping at Despensa Familiar and would like to return as the loyal customer I have been for a many years. At this point in time I cannot go back until they get serious about social distancing before all their customers contract COVID. Please understand that sick or heaven forbid, dead cuatomers cannot shop if they are in the hospital or the cemetary.

  • Matthias Staiber

    Matthias Staiber


    Has not all, but cheap. Long waiting on cacher

  • Peter Schoenster

    Peter Schoenster


    My second choice of supermarkets. They did have paper towels when I couldn't find them at my favorite Torre. Checkout people not as friendly as Torre either.

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