Avis Guatemala i Ciudad de Guatemala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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GuatemalaAvis Guatemala



🕗 åbningstider

1, Ciudad de Guatemala, GT Gwatemala
kontakter telefon: +502 2324 9000
internet side: www.avis.com.gt
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 14.5996389, Longitude: -90.515

kommentar 5

  • Pavol Luptak

    Pavol Luptak


    They sent me the confirmation they have a car. But finally the didn't. And were not able to provide me the alternative. And I paid extra 110 USD for the insurance I didn't use

  • Klaas Tjoelker

    Klaas Tjoelker


    Friendly but slow staff; inefficient procedures dependent on supervisor who was not present. Tarifs offered by Expedia for Avis cars do not mention mandatory extra costs (insurance not covered by Allianz offer on Expedia site). Two different guarantees on credit card are compulsory (for damage and fines). The car that was delivered was smaller than the announced model. Car delivered had a lot of damage, which didn't withhold employees from painstakingly trying to find additional near-scratches on the car afterwards. By the way, I found out that the European Avis President's Club card does not entitle to the same advantages as in Europe.

  • Carlos Zamora

    Carlos Zamora



  • es

    Linnda Revelo


    Nos cancelaron a ultimo momento y teníamos una reserva en hotel pasando la frontera, no lo recomiendo para nada si quieren seguridad y confianza.

  • en

    Cynthia Leung


    Great service but surprise costs not included in rental quote.

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